Encourage dreamers to go for a fortune although having to wait 12 hours in the cold, sun, and freezing arena to sing a song in one minute to the correct tune, time given for audition after 24 hours waiting in cold, and sun in line, waste of valuable time, not only mine, over 11,000 more Miami hopeful who put up with such bull.
Registration and audition not done same day, contestants forced to take two days, missing two days pay.
Parking on first day train station made a bag on ghost riders, limited parking forced to pay 2 dollars for ticket and four dollars for parking space moved the smile from your face that was a disgrace.
Second day shuttled from garage around Miami eight dollars per day gives no impetus to stay, much more spending six hours in the cold and sun shouting to the camera, X Factors promoters need to show you came out to play.
Garage bathroom locked doors; forced contestant troubled by diarrhea to save her pants the embarrassment, put it on the floor.
Encouraged to take water and food you will be spending the whole day, experiencing hunger under such condition is not gay, to be told after half day no food allowed in the arena to enter you have to throw it away.
Entering the arena greeted by X Factor’s stand for food and water you have to pay.
Such conditions not conducive for singing people lose their voice wasted no time for trial just walk away.
Those unfortunate to make it, have to pay their way for another day, most will be eliminated poverty never goes away.