But it is beyond comprehension to base teachers’ pay on how students learn
There are students if you operate on their brains and put the matter inside they will never write a good composition
No matter what you do or how well you teach they will never follow your instruction
Improvement of education is a good intention
However students’ learning should not threaten teachers’ pension
Teachers going before a class will experience great apprehension
Students who fail to learn quickly matter necessary for good grades, will be given detention
Why not change the way subjects are taught in schools
Emphasis currently placed on knowing the answer and not working the problems
using the rules.
Teaching students to think outside the box
Should take education up a notch
No politician wants education failing on their watch
Incentives for teaches pay, base on students’ learning is just a patch
Teachers will be forced to find another profession
Who is going to educate students in the next generation?
Teachers are a special breed
Equipped with essential tools to sow educational seeds
Failure to earn sufficient greens to buy feed
Will remove them from the class room like you remove weed from a field